Please write to us if you have any questions about us or our products.

And of course we are particularly happy to receive feedback, whether negative or positive.

We will get back to you as soon as possible. 🌸

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FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions

What does MRR & PLR mean?

MRR = Master Resell Rights means that you are 100% allowed to resell a digital product. However, you can only sell it unchanged.

PLR = Personal Label Rights also means that you are 100% allowed to resell this digital product. However, the difference here is that you are allowed to completely change this product to suit your style. It is important that you change the front page completely and that you have no right to sell any images that are included.

What kind of DSM course is this?

We started our careers with this DSM course and can only recommend it to you from the bottom of our hearts.

We did not develop this course ourselves, but we learned everything we needed from it.

Was ist die O&M Success Mastery?

Die O&M Success Mastery steht noch ganz am Anfang und wir haben uns vor ein paar Monaten dazu entschieden, eine der ersten 500 zu sein, die diesem eine Chance geben.

Die O&M Success Mastery soll das Netflix für Digital Marketer werden und bietet zahlreiche Kurse, Content Bundle uvm. zu einer Flatrate an. Hier kannst du dir selbst Kurse ansehen und durcharbeiten, diese allerdings auch mit 70% Affiliate weiterverkaufen (ohne MRR).

Außerdem gibt es einige weitere Einkommensquellen, die hinzukommen. Insgesamt gibt es 7 davon!

Sobald du die Servicegebühr für die Plattform bezahlt hast, kannst du Partner*in in unserem Team werden und deine eigenen Kurse verkaufen und Partner anwerben.

Du kannst gerne jederzeit an einem kostenfreien Info-Zoomcall teilnehmen. Schreibe uns dazu jederzeit gerne an!

Foldable row

Our online shop primarily offers printed products with our drone designs and your personalizations.

However, we would also like to offer you the chance to see how we built up this online shop and offer you THE products that have helped us advance in our online business.

We have integrated all of these different digital products and services via our partner platforms and you can access the article and checkout via a pop-up window.

Your digital product will be sent automatically after payment or your appointment booking is confirmed.

Foldable row

We have two partner companies that will order your individual product based on your order.

Most of it is Gelato (Norway) and to a small extent Printify (USA). Gelato produces most of its goods directly in Europe, but of course also ships to the USA because they have their producers there too.

Since we do not produce or print the products ourselves, we ask for your understanding if an order is not delivered correctly. You can report a complaint to us at any time within 30 days and we will request a replacement delivery immediately.

Foldable row

Please report the faulty goods to us immediately after you become aware of them by email to and, if possible, send us pictures at the same time so that we can forward the complaint to our production partners.

Do I have a right of withdrawal for digital and personalized products?

In principle, a cancellation period of 14 days applies to distance selling contracts (including online shops).

However, the following are excluded:

x Digital products, as they can be downloaded immediately
x Personalized products, as they cannot be resold after return

In such cases, please feel free to write to us so that we can possibly find a solution.

Complaints about faulty goods are still possible within 30 days. Please report this immediately after becoming aware of it so that we can forward it to our printing partners.